Heritance Aarah – Buildings on LandHeritance Aarah – Buildings on Land
Construction, Completion and Maintenance of Guest Accomm odation, Public Buildings & Support Facility Buildings (On Land)
G. NooraanG. Nooraan
10 storey residential building
Avani+ Fares Maldives Resort (P2A-1)Avani+ Fares Maldives Resort (P2A-1)
Package P2A-1 (BOH – Civil & MEP) Select Buildings
Centara Grand Island Resort & SpaCentara Grand Island Resort & Spa
Renovation of Five Star Resort
Lh. Naifaru Atoll Hospital ExpansionLh. Naifaru Atoll Hospital Expansion
6 Storey Hospital Building

SGS ISO 9001 and SGS OHSAS 45001